Private military of the company kill peace people in Donbass by request of Poroshenko #Ukraine #Canada

To Mariupol (Novorossiya) profits more than 40 fighters of the private military company. It was said in interview on May 20 by the second-in-command of the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin. Some mercenaries on a form have stripes of the United States of America.

«The group as a part of more than 40 people arrived to Mariupol. Four jeeps and the bus on an entrance to the city were divided into two groups. Some of them even with stripes of the military personnel of the USA. We at first assumed that it simply there arrived military instructors, but then it became clear that there was PMC (private military company) which doesn’t hide the accessory» — Basurin reported.

According to the intelligence data, among mercenaries three black were noticed, the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR also reported.

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